Fact File: New Line Cinema
New Line Cinema is a American film studio that is owned by Warner Bros.
In 1994 the studio was acquired by Turner Broadcasting System. Later Turner merged with Time Warner in 1996 and New Line was merged with Warner Bros. in 2008. Currently all films made by New Line Cinema are distributed by Warner Bros.
Highest Grossing Films
New Line Cinema's top 5 highest grossing films are:
1)The Lord the Rings: The Return of the King ($377,845,905)
2) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers ($342,551,365)
3) It ($327,481,748)
4) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring ($315,544,750)
5) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey ($303,003,568)
From this we can see that New Line Cinemas biggest successes came from their adaptations of JRR Tolkien's novels.
Upcoming Films
New Line Cinema has many upcoming films but by far the most notable two are: It: Chapter Two and Shazam.
It: Chapter Two will likely be very successful thanks to the success of the first movie but Shazam on the other hand may or may not be successful. Shazam is a adaptation so there is already a marketable audience for it but with recent failure with DC movies Shazam may or may not be a success.
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